Steel Magnetism

Marlowe Mismatch, having bid Cheltenham and its golden opportunities goodbye, found himself in Melbourne with a newfound challenge. The Footstone, in ridding him of his golden curse, granted him an …

Unexpected Podiatry Quest

Within the dimly lit, book-filled basement of an ordinary suburban home, an extraordinary journey was about to take place. Five long-time friends, their ages spanning three decades, huddled around an …

Fire The Apprentice

My coworker is such a lazy bloke. He’ll bugger off for hours at a time and come back claiming that he had to go to every hardware store under the …

Our Wedding Video

It’s been two years since my boyfriend proposed to me – two years exactly! And guess what today is? It’s our wedding day. I really liked the symbolism of getting …

Wallpaper Job Preferred

“No, thanks,” Maphira said, getting out of the play tube to leave. “I don’t want anything to do with your little resistance.” The woman lunged forward, grabbing Maphira by the …

Solar Seller

If Maphira was going to find her sister, she’d need to blend in with Robotopian society. With her hair tied back and covered with a cap, she figured nobody would …

Light House

“I have an idea!” my best friend, Yellow Bulb, and I said at the exact same moment, our heads lighting up with bright colours. You see, living as a lightbulb …

Car Breakdown Disaster

I have a very stringent routine that I must follow every day. For example, when I wake up in the morning I have to put my left foot down before …

Merging Boats

I’ve managed to acquire my second boat, although I am now questioning what the point of buying a second boat was. It isn’t like I can use them both at …